FluxAPK is committed to providing a platform where users can access mod APKs and information related to video editing software. However, it’s important to understand and acknowledge the following:

  • Third-Party Content: FluxAPK does not create or host the mod APKs available on our platform. We curate and share APKs that are freely available on the internet. We do not claim ownership of the original software or any modifications made to it.
  • Responsibility: Users are solely responsible for the use of mod APKs downloaded from FluxAPK. We do not endorse or encourage any illegal activities, copyright infringement, or misuse of the software. It is essential to use these applications in compliance with local laws and regulations.
  • Legal Implications: Using mod APKs may infringe on the intellectual property rights of software developers and content creators. FluxAPK does not condone or support any actions that violate copyrights, trademarks, or other legal rights.
  • Feedback and Reporting: If you believe that any content on FluxAPK infringes upon your rights or violates applicable laws, please contact us immediately. We will investigate and take appropriate action, including the removal of content if necessary.

By using FluxAPK, you acknowledge and accept the risks associated with mod APKs and agree to use them responsibly and within the boundaries of the law. FluxAPK disclaims any liability for the consequences of using mod APKs obtained through our platform.

We encourage our users to respect intellectual property rights, support developers by purchasing official versions of software, and use mod APKs as a means to explore and enhance their creativity, always in a legal and ethical manner.